Uplift is the perfect formula when one is feeling symptoms of SAD (seasonal affective disorder), depression, anxiety and general cloudy day blahs.
It brings the bright solar energy we so need in these shorter days. The oils and sprays
add in the energizing scents of lemon, hyssop,
YlangYlang, helichrysum, German chamomile,
peppermint and geranium.
Seasonal special: essence drops and spray combo
SALE PRICE $35 (normally $50)
Free Pick Up or $8 shipping

Flower Essences: What are they?
Flower essences are the vibrational imprint, (no plant material), carrying the wholistic information unique to a particular plant which is captured in water, then imbued with lunar or solar energy, Reiki and gemstone energy and preserved with a local brandy. They have the capacity to be potent, powerful remedies while also being gentle and subtle. As they contain the information of the entire plant, they work on all levels of the energic as well as physical body- informing and uplifting our subtle bodies and upgrading subconscious patterns to bring us into a more aligned vibrational state in all our energy fields and bodies.
VibrationalFlowers.com - Personalized Flower Essence Blends
Each formula is individually crafted for the specific person, needs, time and situation, for wherever we are and whatever we’re working on: emotionally, physically, mentally
and energetically. Flower essences provide support, breakthrough, comfort and help
on the journey of personal transformation.

Upcoming Events
- Time is TBDCoeur d'Alene
- Sat, Feb 01Coeur d'Alene
- Sat, Dec 21Coeur d'Alene
- Fri, Sep 20Coeur d'Alene
- Fri, Jun 21Coeur d'Alene
- Fri, Apr 05Coeur d'Alene
- Fri, Mar 22YOME.YOGA
- Fri, Dec 22Coeur d'Alene
- Fri, Sep 22Coeur d'Alene
- Wed, Jun 21Coeur d'Alene
- Sun, Mar 19Coeur d'Alene
- Sat, Feb 04Coeur d'Alene
- Sat, Jan 07Coeur d'Alene
- Sun, Dec 18Coeur d'Alene
- Sat, Oct 22Coeur d'Alene
- Fri, Sep 23Coeur d'Alene

Essences are catalysts for deep change, growth, and healing at all levels of our being. They address issues originating from an emotional root. Positive changes may include more calm, peace, joy, positive outlook, creativity, forgiveness, personal power, clarity, guidance, intuition.Detoxing as we release old emotions and blocks is possible but can be eased by reducing dosage or taking a pause. The idea is not to suppress symptoms and emotions but to allow them to flow through and be released. The effects can be felt quite quickly, sometimes within minutes, at other times it will be a more subtle unfolding over days. Research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has shown a clear relationship between emotions and physical illness. We are in a relationship with nature, her bounty and beauty support and sustains us, from the sun stored as chlorophyll in plants to the colors, scents, and nutrients which feed all our senses.
Essences work vibrationally to change our frequency, to create shifts at our deep, creative core, to help us realize our purpose and create more ease on our journey. Everything begins and ends with energy- the material world is energy made dense. With flower essences, we are working on the building blocks of the material by adding the vibrational patterns to clear or create what it is we desire to manifest.
How to take them? - Place 4 drops in a liquid 4x/day is the typical dosage.
For those interested in purchasing an individual flower essence:
Themed Blends $25/bottle
Personalized Formulations: $55/bottle
shipping (*$8.00 for shipping within the continental USA only)
Also available: Individual consultation $45 per 20-30 min session or in-depth support via- email, phone, or in person.
Contact Cheryl @ fitcheryl@hotmail.com