Limitless Flower Essence Formula
Created 5-4 23 thru 5-5-23
5 is the number of prosperity
9 flowers- number 9 equals the furthest limitations of this world- of all that’s possible.
This formula addresses our blocks, beliefs and traumas so we can open up to receive the abundance meant for us. The abundance which flows when we’re in alignment with source and our true selves and are open to receiving our divine birthright.
Helps complete the lessons and challenges we’ve been dealing with to create the space for Clarity, New Beginnings & Abundance.
Idaho Blue Eye Grass- Helps excavate hidden, rejected emotions and energies that are difficult to work with because we are unaware of their existence. This essence addresses the underlying fear and brings it into consciousness to be completely released with the accompanying spiritual insight into the root causes.
Wild Geranium /Cranesbill -calms an overactive nervous system by helping us find new ways to be- present in our heart- so it can set the pace, allowing our nerves to operate with greater ease. It gently soothes and re-balances our nervous systems helping us to relax, open, and trust our bodies.
Clary Sage- helps us gently hold these evolving energies in our hearts while we maintain our balance in the outer world. Keeps us stable through our energetic upgrades.
Yellow Bell Flower- ‘I bow to the divine within me’
‘Thank you body for being you!’
Remembering, Connecting and Honoring the source which resides within and loves us.
Saskatoon- Facilitates communication between all parts of the brain to support whole brain integration and functioning with ease.
Woodland Star Flower- remembering we are star seeds- made of the very material of space and stars, embodied.
Cottonwood- brings love to unloved unconscious emotions by encouraging you to shine the warmth of your Sun, your Higher Consciousness, on them.
Clearing through the haze of fears, false identities, imprints, and programs - "to unlearn all limiting beliefs" and become your own Spiritual advocate .
Grasswidow- ‘I am ’.
Columbine - a remedy for trauma that has caused feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem. It brings us into remembrance of our artistry, and generates self-love and self-esteem.
Brings a sense of peacefulness, calmness and a balanced perspective of what may be causing these intense feelings. Assists in connecting us to our own innate wisdom and strength.
Represents ABUNDANCE. Columbine encourages you to joyfully embrace life's uncertainties with confidence, to go with the flow, with what feels right.
We are urged to release those things that no longer serve us. If we can see beyond our ignorance and darkness, we may catch a glimpse of the hidden seed of our own future.
Created during the Scorpio full moon penumbral eclipse.
Nag Champa - means in, "breath, spirit, flowers"
It is linked to the earth and the root chakra. Iit can help cleanse and keep the lower chakras strong and stable.
It can create mood elevating hormones and proteins such as TRPV3 and serotonin, which can drastically reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety and even depression.
It strengthens Immune system.
Cinnamon-diminishes the feelings of depression, faintness, and exhaustion. It is reputed to relax the body enough to stimulate the libido, making it an effective natural aphrodisiac. Supports immunity, anti-rheumatic.
It is associated with the base chakra, making it very beneficial for stabilizing astral projection and bringing material success
Sandalwood -eases and keeps emotions under control promoting harmony and peace,
open heartedness.
Helps the third chakra, so that love may be sustainable, constant, nourishing, and grounding.
Limitless Flower Essence Blend $30
Flower Essence Blend and:
Contains the Limitless Flower Essence Blend and:
Nag Champa - means in, "breath, spirit, flowers"
It is linked to the earth and the root chakra. Iit can help cleanse and keep the lower chakras strong and stable.
It can create mood elevating hormones and proteins such as TRPV3 and serotonin, which can drastically reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety and even depression.
It strengthens Immune system.
Cinnamon-diminishes the feelings of depression, faintness, and exhaustion. It is reputed to relax the body enough to stimulate the libido, making it an effective natural aphrodisiac. Supports immunity, anti-rheumatic.
It is associated with the base chakra, making it very beneficial for stabilizing astral projection and bringing material success
Sandalwood -eases and keeps emotions under control promoting harmony and peace,
open heartedness.
Helps the third chakra, so that love may be sustainable, constant, nourishing, and grounding.