Take 3-5 drops in water or on
tongue 3x/ day - or as your
intuition guides you.
LUNGWORT/FORGET ME NOT - energizes auric field, opens breath and connects you more fully to the universal life force which can mend and revitalize your energetic body.
OREGON GRAPE - helps restore hormonal balance, amplifies body’s healing forces, knows how to adapt and thrive in challenging environments.
ELDER FLOWER - stimulates powers of recovery and renewal of the vital life energies, boosting well-being and self-esteem. PURPLE
ECHINACEA - helps strengthen one’s core integrity, integrating sense of self, thus strengthening immune functions.
ALOE VERA - helps when one is overextended, and energy and immune systems are low.
TOMATO - strengthens endocrine to resist infections and negative patterns trying to take hold.
DEVILS CLUB - is a body balancer, supportive, protective, and wise.
HUCKLEBERRY - supports the mental and emotional functions related to liver and gallbladder systems. Orients you towards inner peace, harmony and health.
MULLEIN - aligns the physical and etheric bodies to strengthen access to higher emotional states and physical health during challenging times.
CEDAR - promotes an even flow of energy through the subtle bodies, removing imbalances.