Immune Warrior
- when feeling a cold or the flu coming on.

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Lungwort / Forget me not - energizes auric field - opens the breath, and connects you more fully with the universal life force which
can mend and revitalize your energetic body.
Oregon grape - helpful to restore hormonal balance, amplifies body’s healing forces-knows how to adapt and thrive in challenging
environment .
Elderflower - stimulates powers of recovery and renewal of the vital life energies that rejuvenate. When body and soul are revitalized, you can be imbued with the sense of wellbeing that boosts vitality and self esteem.
Echinacea (purple) - helps strengthen one's core integrity, integrating a sense of self, thus strengthening the immune functions.
Aloe Vera - when the individual has over extended their energy and the immune system is low.
Tomato - helps with infections and negative patterns that are trying to take hold.
Devil's Club - is a whole body balancer.
Huckleberry - supports the mental and emotional functions related to the liver and gallbladder systems. Orients you toward your inner path of peace, harmony and health.
Mullein - aligns the physical body with the etheric body. This strengthens access to higher emotional states and physical health during challenging times.
Cedar - promotes an even flow of energy through the subtle bodies, removing imbalances.
Note: if taking more than 1 remedy be sure to take them at different times of the day- not together.
Ingredients : purified water, vibrational frequencies of flowers, plants and trees preserved in a local plum brandy. Gemstone, Reiki and Moon charged.
Dosage recommendation: can be taken on tongue or in beverage 3 - 7 drops, 1 - 4x/ day. Test yourself and allow your intuition to guide you on your journey.